Consistent photos. More free time. More money saved.

Leverage AI Technology For Faster Editing Results

We're here to help you

You Take Stunning Photos.

Better photos. More free time.

Delivering Consistent And Professionally Edited Galleries Behind The Scenes.

We're here to create magic by


If this sounds like you, our AI Photo Assistant Package could be just what you are looking for. No matter your level of experience with AI editing, we are here to help alleviate stress, all while saving you time and money. We work with both photographers who are already getting great results with an AI profile and with those who see the cost-saving benefits to their time and overhead, but have yet to touch AI editing technology.

You realize times are changing and technology is evolving very quickly with all the ways to edit photos as a photographer. To work efficiently during your busy seasons it seems you are faced with two options: use AI editing technology on your own to save money, or delegate your editing to a professional to do it by hand. 

You’ve landed here because you want the best of both options. You want the money saving benefits of AI and the ability to delegate. You want to focus on the areas of your photography business you enjoy without the pressure to figure out AI on your own.

use experienced editors to continue regaining joy outside of your business.

Save Money With AI Editing Technology

AI Photo Assistant Package

When your personal AI editing profile is set up proficiently, it will not only apply your preset, but make adjustments to your preset by evaluating each individual photo’s data. The AI technology then predicts the adjustments you would make based on your personalized algorithm. These predicted adjustments provide an elevated experience beyond starting from your base preset when you edit a gallery. However, there are still adjustments to be made that technology just can’t predict. Every wedding and session is unique in its own way. AI will speed up the amount of time it takes to get you to the final product but, there will still be adjustments you need to make after sending it through AI. If you are not careful, you can find yourself re-editing entire galleries to fix these minor tweaks after using AI. Using our expertise in editing photos, we can help you get to the final product more efficiently.

and would rather focus on their strengths then delegate the rest

We Work With Photographers Who Recognize Their Time Is Valuable

how does this work exactly?

Trusted By:

Jenna Hovde

However, once I learned I could trust my editor and the outsourcing process was seamless, I was finally able to give more time to areas of life or business that I was dreaming about! Truly, outsourcing has only helped grow my business. I’ve never looked back ever since I took the step and let go of the reins!

My editor is amazing. She really pays attention to detail, she’s not afraid to ask questions, and she’s always so open to some constructive criticism. She doesn’t just care about your images and business, she cares about you personally. She has been a pure joy to know and work with every single year! I don’t know what I’d do without her! You all are rock stars! I wouldn’t change a thing!” 

"I get so many compliments on my photos, my process flows so well, and my editor is literally a wizard in Lightroom!

Hannah Hofheinz

However, once I learned I could trust my editor and the outsourcing process was seamless, I was finally able to give more time to areas of life or business that I was dreaming about! Truly, outsourcing has only helped grow my business. I’ve never looked back ever since I took the step and let go of the reins!

My editor is amazing. She really pays attention to detail, she’s not afraid to ask questions, and she’s always so open to some constructive criticism. She doesn’t just care about your images and business, she cares about you personally. She has been a pure joy to know and work with every single year! I don’t know what I’d do without her! You all are rock stars! I wouldn’t change a thing!” 

“Outsourcing my editing was what has brought the biggest breath of fresh air to my business. It felt like such a big jump of faith at first, while handing off precious pictures that I have worked so diligently on. 

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One time Set-Up fee of $97 to create a new AI profile if you do not have one.
Hand Culling Available at $.08/image
Average client spends $150 per wedding including AI base rate.

Imagen AI base rate $.07/image 
Editing $0.85/minute


Anchor Images not required

A proven editing methodology with over 7 years experience

Ongoing relationship with a senior private photo editor

Planned delivery with editing appointments

Camera timestamp corrections

Custom client portal

Up to 5 business day turnaround time
(Faster turnaround time depends on the quality of the AI Profile)

AI Photo Assistant


Frequently Asked Q’s

Currently, we only work in Imagen AI. As technology evolves, we will continue to assess the most efficient technology.

If you don’t currently have a Personal AI Profile with Imagen AI, we’ll work with you to set up your personal profile. To establish a base for Imagen AI to work as proficiently as possible, 3,000 images in a wide range of different lighting circumstances are required to start. If you do not have 3,000 images that you can use there are two options 
  1. You can use our Creative Director Service until you reach 3,000 images. This option will allow you to receive very accurate edits, refine and achieve your style, and systematize your editing pattern to then start bringing your overhead cost down with faster, more efficient results. 
  2. Create a “Lite Profile” with Imagen AI. A Lite Profile allows you to add your preset into Imagen AI and answer some visual questions based on how you prefer the final product of your images. You can read more about Imagen’s Lite Profiles here. We can utilize this feature until we reach the 3,000 images needed to create your own Personal Profile. Keep in mind that using a Lite Profile will likely increase your per minute rate in the AI Photo Assistant Package to make sure the final product is exactly the way you like it. 

Imagen AI cannot make any adjustments in the tone curve, color grading, and calibration panels of Lightroom. You can set a fixed number in those categories that will apply to all images, but AI will not adjust those fixed numbers based on your personal algorithm.

Imagen AI also cannot establish a personal style when it comes to cropping and straightening. Imagen AI will only use their algorithm for cropping and straightening, which is applied to all photographers. 

If you already have a Personal AI Profile, you’ll meet with one of our Senior Editors in our onboarding process where you will have a conversation about your vision, preferences, and aesthetic. You and your Senior Editor will look at previous galleries you edited with AI and talk through any adjustments you made to the images after running AI. From there, we will begin a partnership communicating on best ways to get your images completed in the most efficient way. If you do not currently have a Personal AI Profile, see the ways we can help replicate your style under “What if I do not have a Personal AI Profile with Imagen?”

No, it is not required to include anchor images in the AI Photo Assistant Package. If you choose to include sneak peeks or additional anchor images, please note that AI will not use those edits as reference to make other photos around it consistent. If you would like the surrounding images to match consistently to your sneak peeks or anchor edits, your Senior Editor will go back to those images and match them at the per-minute rate. The more anchor images you provide, the more re-editing after AI will most likely need to be done. 

Yes! We believe in building long lasting relationships and cultivating trust with a single senior editor. This is the best way for your editor to truly mirror your style and ensure your images are edited consistently in every gallery you deliver to your clients. 

With advancing editing technology and AI photo editing, we are seeing an increase in variables when it comes to galleries. There are some sessions that you can put through AI editing and it comes out nearly perfect. While other sessions you put through feel like the entire session needs re-editing or adjustments in some way. This can be especially true if the session is in a different environment than the images that built your Personal AI Profile. Rather than sending a proposal and quote for every session, we created the pay-as-you-go plan where you’ll only pay for what you need. We charge you for the exact time that we are editing after the gallery is sent through AI. Want to add in local adjustments after a session? No problem. Need to readjust the tone curve for a specific lighting scenario of images? We’ll go in and fix that for you. As we build a smarter profile, it’s our hope that we decrease the time it takes to adjust images after we send them through AI. Remember, we have edited nearly one million images by hand as a team. We are experts in editing photos and knowing exactly what an image needs to be consistent within a set of images.

Yes, culling is offered; however, we cannot use AI culling software due to needing access to RAW files. If you would like us to hand cull your images, we can do so for $.08/image. 

Let us help you get there by outsourcing your photo editing, and experience greater freedom and flexibility in your business.

You were 
called to more

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Let us help you get there by outsourcing your photo editing, and experience greater freedom and flexibility in your business.

You were 
called to more

Copyright © Called to more
Brand & Website by Amanda scott
Copywriting by The Literary Co.
Photos & Video By workplay branding
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Copyright © Called to more | TERMS & CONDITIONS | PRIVACY POLICY  | Brand & Website by Amanda scott | Copywriting by The Literary Co. | Photos & Video By Workplay Branding